Margarita, Cal Berkeley Graduate!

Saturday, May 14, 2022  

Dear Margarita,  

No words can express my love for all that you are, for how you have blessed me, and given me life. You showed me how to smile 🙂  

Today in only your 20th year of life, you have succesfully completed your undergraduate education at one of the world’s finest schools, the University of California at Berkeley. You did it!  

With lots of love, I encourage you to continue using your intelligence first, foremost, and always for Amor. It is always the correct answer in every situation. You are a light of love for us all.   

Please enjoy every moment of every moment. Explore, create, and share. In a few months, you will be in Banana Slug Life at your Master’s program at U.C. Santa Cruz. I look forward to seeing what you learn and teach on your journey. You have already taught me the most important lesson of life: unconditional AmorFamilia.


Con Todo Respeto, Humildad, y Cariño,   

Papa Bear Benjamin Bac Sierra  

Margaritas 🙂

“The Logic of Love”

In the sublime
You feel

It can be said that
Is the most beautiful

Let my
Problems be
Then I will have
No problems

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